Tournament Rules/Guidelines
Check-In Information:
All Teams MUST check-in prior to their first game. Location/s of check-in will be advised prior to tournament. Team Team Representative must be prepared to submit the following:
A. Copy of team insurance that we MUST keep.
B. A count of players by year of graduation. For example, you have 2 – 2024, 5 – 2025, 3 – 2026, 2 – 2027 and 2 – Committed. This is for the player wristbands. ALL players must wear a wristband. We just need a count for each year.
C. All teams must stay at authorized TRAVELING TEAMS hotels; failure will result in up to $1,000 additional payment at check-in, ALL TEAMS MUST BOOK AT LEAST 8 ROOMS, Read Rule #3. This fee will be collected at check-in.
$1,000 Opt-Out of Hotel Requirement, Teams may opt out of our hotel requirement by mailing $1000 to our office and include letter with Team Name, Your Name Your Cell , follow up with call to office at 610.731.5877 just to double check.
D. All tournaments are “Pay as you Play”; you pay plate umps before game, $65 per game.
E. Fall Showcase: all teams must be prepared to start on Friday at 1pm. Generally, Friday Games are a lot of fun and are used to get out-of-town teams a 5th game. In general, the fall showcase is a 4 Game Guarantee.
Special Note: Saturday and Sunday games “may” start at 7:30 a.m. Please prepare your teams to be at the field for a 6:30 a.m. warm-up. The sun will be rising as you do warm-ups, kind of like reverse dusk. Officially Sunrise is 7:24am Oct 26
F. If you sign up for any TNT Events, All Players, Parents, Coaches, and affiliates of said team agree to waive all claims against TNT Softball and its affiliates. The Coach or Parent Manager who signed up for the event is responsible for informing all Players, Parents, and affiliates of the rule F waiver.
Summer Showcase: All Teams must be prepared to start on Thursday at 730am
Refund Policy:
Condition A: If the entire tournament is canceled for any reason, you will receive a partial refund—1/2 credit towards any future TNT Tournament.
Special Exception Fall Showcases: Only 1/2 Registration is collected in advance; in this case, half of the registration team fee will be donated to cover unrecoverable expenses.
Condition B: Rain during the tournament, once any games by any team have begun, whether finished or not, while every attempt will be made to play, there is no refund. **Clarification: if any team (not necessarily yours) plays any part of a game, -No Refunds**
Condition C: Teams that pull out of tournament after being accepted – no refund or credit.
Condition D: Disease, Pandemic, Meteor Strike, Tsunami, Forest Fire, Earthquake or anything else thats natural or unnatural….1/2 Credit towards future TNT Tournament. Those teams entering any TNT Tournaments or Clinics are doing so, knowing they are entering at their own risk, both physically and monetarily
On Clinics : There are NO refunds on Clinics. Rain, Snow, etc..coaches have to be paid to get them back. Therefore there isn’t any money available for refunds.
Note on Covid: or any other freakin disease, if your state is suddenly shut down, after being accepted, 1/2 Credit for future TNT events, enter at your own risk, both physically and monetarily
Special Note: Summer Showcase – all teams must be prepared to start on WEDNESDAY night, any team selected for Wednesday night will be called first, otherwise assume your team will start Thursday morning at 7:30am. Teams that want schedule changes usually end up sacrificing somewhere else, so be careful….just the way it is with massive tournaments. Generally we do not do schedule changes.
1. College Coach Only Areas:
NO players, team coaches, or parents/spectators will be allowed in areas designated “College Coaches Only”. This includes the Hospitality Tents and the Scouting Areas behind each field’s backstop. Please do not take the chairs.
2. Parking areas:
Parking Areas will be designated for “Tournament Staff Only” & “College Coaches Only”. Do not park in these areas. At Veterans Park, there is a parking fee that is charged by the park, NOT by the tournament. We have no control over this.
3. Hotel Policy:
IT IS MANDATORY THAT ALL TEAMS BOOK THEIR HOTEL ROOMS THROUGH OUR HOTEL COORDINATOR, TRAVELING TEAMS. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN A $1000 SURCHARGE to the violating team, before they play. Failure will result in the team being removed from tournament. Teams are only allowed to stay at tournament sanctioned hotels; these are hotels that give the tournament reduced rate rooms for the college coaches. TEAMS ARE NOT TO CALL OR CONTACT HOTELS DIRECTLY OR THROUGH THE INTERNET.
* Minimum Number of Rooms to book per team is 8. (effective 01/1/17)
* Teams from 60 miles or more are subject to the Hotel Policy. (effective 01/1/11)
Please go to the Traveling Teams website link provided on this website and set up your team block. Your parents will be able to book rooms too to make sure you cover the 8 room minimum.
4. Tournament Play and the Clock – VERY IMPORTANT – READ THIS CAREFULLY
A. Summer Showcase: is a 6 game guarantee, NEW TEAMS SHOULD READ VERY CAREFULLY : Wednesday night will start with Highlight Games. (Please note: there is a recruitment camp Wednesday that many of your players may wish go to). All teams will definitely need to be ready to play early Thursday morning, team check-in can be done on Wednesday at the camp. New teams to this tournament will have to earn their stripes and are not guaranteed any games at the main complex. Some teams may only have one game at the main complex. You will find this to be the case in other major showcases including Pennsbury, Rising Stars, Surf City and other national major showcases. Expectations are that established 18U Gold teams will play the majority of their games or at least more games at the main complex.
At the very least, in the summer all teams should be ready to play their first game at 7:30am Thursday morning.
FALL Tournament only – Is a 4gg (out of town teams may be given a 5th game), and pay as you play, we will do our best to get out of town teams an extra game, 1:20 min finish the batter, most teams will play at least one game at Veterans Park.
B. TOURNAMENT CLOCK NEVER STOPS – what this means is that if games are interrupted for any reason, even though play stops, the game clock keeps running. When the time for the next game comes, that new game will start and yours in over. If delays occur across multiple time slots, those games are lost. We will stay on schedule “come hail or high water”. We will make every attempt to get games going again “on schedule” as soon as possible. No refund on lost games, but of course you will not have incurred umpire costs if your game never started.
C. Tournament Format: Summer Only
The teams will be divided into brackets OF EQUAL STRENGTH. All teams will play a minimum of 6 round robin exhibition games. Some teams may play an extra game against an opponent from another bracket.
5. Mercy Rule:
The 8 runs after 5 innings “mercy” rule will be in effect for ALL games.
6. Playing Rules:
Teams may use unlimited defensive substitutions during this tournament and may bat up to 10 players. This means you may put the 9 or 10 girls that you want to hit in your lineup, then put the girls in the field that you want to play defense. Defensive players may be changed at anytime. Any changes made in the batting order must be related to the umpire. Umpires do not need to know the defensive changes, nor the reentries, unless they are going back into the batting order.
7. Uniforms:
Uniform shirts must be numbered. Pick up players may wear their original teams uniform. No duplicate numbers allowed. No jewelry other than post type earrings in ears is allowed. Post type earrings in ears may be worn but must be taped. Umpires will be the judges in jewelry matters. If the umpire deems the earring unsafe, then the player must remove them with no argument. ALL SHIRTS MUST BE TUCKED IN
8. Protests:
This is a non-protestable tournament. The home plate umpire will settle rule disagreements at the time. Please don’t argue. Remember the spirit of the tournament. College coaches don’t want to spend their time watching arguments. Teams that refuse to play when umpire says “Play Ball” could be penalized, upon review of tournament director, with forfeit of all remaining games.
9. Park Rules:
NO glass containers, and NO alcoholic beverages are allowed at the park.
10. Dugout Etiquette:
Please assist in keeping the dugouts clean for the next team by picking up your trash after the game and placing it in the receptacle provided in the dugout. No bat bags are to be placed in dugout, please place all bat bags to the side or directly behind dugout, this makes the transition between games quicker and helps get the game started sooner.
11. Game Times:
A. Official game will end at 7 innings or 1 hour 20 minutes (finish the batter) That is NOT at typo…1 hour 20 minutes. Finish the Batter
B. Finish the Batter: If time expires before the inning is completed, the game is over immediately . The score will revert to the last complete inning, unless the home team is up to bat and ahead in the score. Finish Batters 1 hour 20 minutes. That gives 7 minutes to get the next game started. Clock keeps running.
C. Extended Play: If 7 innings have been played, and a winner has been decided (see Item #14 regarding tiebreakers), and there is still significant time on the clock, teams may continue to play until time is up. The official final score that will be recorded is that of the 7 complete innings of play. The umpire will determine the significance of the remaining time. “Significant time” means 10-15 minutes or more. Umpire will ask coaches during coin toss whether they wish to continue play if situation arises.
12. Forfeits: Forfeits should be avoided at all costs.
A. Forfeits are at the discretion of the Tournament Director or staff. If you are short a player (due to injury or other unforeseen circumstances) and need one to keep you from forfeiting, please contact the Tournament Director immediately. Temporary replacement players may be available, but we do need some notice. To avoid a forfeit, you will be allowed to borrow a player from another team. Forfeits benefit neither team since the objective of the tournament is for the girls to be seen on the field by the college coaches!!!
B. Teams that forfeit a game for any reason, risk not being accepted into the tournament again. If you are unable to play a game, you must advise the tournament officials, plus it is recommended that you attempt to find a replacement team for your game. You are ultimately responsible to make sure that your opponent is not shorted their opportunity to show their players.
13. International Tiebreaker:
During all tournament play, if the game is tied at the end of seven (7) innings, the International Tiebreaker will be used IF significant time is still remaining. This entails placing the last out from the previous inning on 2nd base to start the tiebreak inning with no outs. This will continue until time expires. If the game is still tied at the end of the tiebreak innings when time expires, the tie will stand. If time expires during the tiebreak inning, the game is over immediately (drop dead rule) and the score reverts to the last complete inning unless the home team is at bat and ahead in the score. Umpires will not allow obvious delaying tactics. Remember – the college coaches want to see girls playing, not coaches maneuvering.
14. Report Scores:
1) All scores must be reported to the tournament desk. If you do not report your scores, you risk not being invited back in the future. You will be advised prior to teh tournament of the options for reporting scores.
15. Pre-Game Meeting: Held at Home Plate
A. Home Team Determination: Home and away team to be determined by coin flip at start of game
B. Umpires receive their fee for the game. Each team MUST have cash available for the umpires.
16. Weather Contingencies:
In case of uncontrollable circumstances or interruptions due to weather, the Tournament Director reserves the right to alter the tournament format in any way necessary to reach a conclusion. This can include, but may not be limited to, shorten game times, fewer games guaranteed, or playing rule changes. Games interrupted will not be resumed. Everything possible will be done to get the players on the field as soon as possible.
Remember the game clock never stops, and this is the overriding factor in weather contingencies.
17. Manager’s Responsibility:
A. It is the responsibility of the team managers and coaches to know their field assignments, times, etc, for all games. The Official Tournament Game Schedule will be maintained at the tournament desk or near the snack bars. Please verify your game schedule occasionally. Teams that no-show a game risk being replaced in their other games, and also may not be invited to future tournaments.
B. FPAlerts – The tournament uses the services of FPAlerts to communicate urgent and timely information before and during the tournament. ALL teams must have at least one coach subscribe to the alerts. Everyone can subscribe – parents, players, coaches and the more the better – but at LEAST one responsible member of the team staff MUST subscribe.
The weather is generally in the mid-50s to mid-60s. We will play under many conditions, since we have teams from as far away as 400 miles & college coaches that have set aside this day. Conditions we will play include light rain, wet fields. Note last year, at many HS softball games, your girls played in temps below 50, if they can do that in HS, we can do that in travel ball.
19. Injuries:
It is recommended that each team bring their own first aid supplies. In the event of a serious injury or medical emergency, play would immediately stop. Emergency Medical Services will be called upon, if necessary.
20. Unsportsmanlike Conduct:
Managers/coaches are responsible for their own conduct and for that of their players, assistants and spectators. Abusive language and/or un-sportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated in any degree. Noisemakers, whether homemade or store bought are not allowed.
Coaches, players, and spectators may be ejected from the game if in violation of this rule. The initial “cooling off period” is the rest of the game. Any manager, coach, player or spectator who is ejected from a game may/will have their behavior reviewed by the Umpire in Chief or the Tournament Director. If necessary, the “cooling off period” may be extended from one game to the rest of the day and even to the rest of the tournament, depending on severity of conduct. Any manager, coach, or spectator who is ejected must leave the park for the duration of the cooling off period. A player who is ejected will be restricted to the dugout for any games during the cooling off period and will not be allowed to play in any games in any manner for the rest of the cooling off period. This is a severe penalty so be on notice that misbehavior on the part of players, coaches or spectators will not be tolerated. Managers/coaches may be held responsible for players and spectators behavior also. If any one who has been ejected fails to follow umpire instructions or fails to abide by the cooling off period, the team will be ejected from the tournament. TNT Showcase has a “zero tolerance” policy.
21. Warm-up Areas:
Pre Game Warm-up is to be conducted only in the Open Play Area with respect to fans & other players.
22. Adding Players to your Roster: Open Roster.
It is the responsibility of each team to make sure that ALL players are legally covered by your team insurance.
For your convenience and assistance, we do have a PICKUP PLAYER LIST where you can find a temporary player to fill a need on your team for the tournament. See PICKUP PLAYER LIST in the navigation menu at top of page.
23. Game Balls:
Yellow Optic .44cor balls will be used during the tournament.
24. PARENTS are NOT allowed to talk with college coaches, during tournament, see NCAA rule below
NCAA Rule Practice or Competition Site.
(d) Contact shall not be made with the prospective student-athlete involved in competition that requires more than one day of participation (e.g., a softball tournament) until after the prospective student athlete’s final contest is completed and he or she is released by the appropriate institutional authority and leaves the dressing and meeting facility; and (Revised: 1/11/94)
In Kind Regards:
TNT President: Collen Mathews Esq.
- Travel Team Coach with a child on the team is not allowed to talk with D1 College Coaches (NCAA Rules)
- Travel Coaches are the only ones that should be communicating with TNT Office
- Travel Coaches: Remember to include your Team Name, Pool Number in communications
- Texting and Emails work best, faster response time and then we have a hard copy.
Note with over 200 teams in summer showcase,we have compartmentalized several different tournament functions and assigned four different managers to help manage the tournament more efficiently.
This will also help with quickier responses too. Please see belowWe will be using Facebook and twitter for live updates
[email protected]
Fields Bernadetter & Scott